Osteopathy is a gentle, safe and non-invasive hands on approach to healthcare that has been practised for nearly 150 years. It is one of the most effective treatments for back, neck, shoulder, knee and ankle problems. Treatment is relaxing and pain levels can often be improved in one session.
We use Traditional Chinese Acupuncture for treatment which is holistic in that it treats the whole person. This form of Acupuncture is over 5000 years old and seeks to relieve distressing symptoms but also promotes long term strength and well-being. The treatment is not painful and can be very relaxing.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese Herbs are one of the great herbal systems of the world, with an unbroken tradition going back to the 3rd century BC. Chinese Herbs can be used for headache, arthritis, back pain, gastritis – skin conditions such as eczema and acne – and also chronic illness where the patient is very weak in energy.